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 Tema: MUybVdsEZqWzWX
Autor: Connor (erbio.nl)
Fecha:   29/12/2012 09:59

The heritage ftdnuaoion is a complete fraud. They beat the drum for complete privatization of everything but at the same time have government payed employees working at their centers and even doing the cleaning and maintenance of their buildings. The center that they built in the small town of Gardiner Montana on the border of Yellowstone Park, is so secretive that even in a small Montana town of 500 hundred people (where everybody knows everything about their neighbor) the locals do not even know they can go in the building. The center houses several high paid government researchers and get this, 2 full time and one part time librarians.This is the only area of the center the public is allowed to go but they do not let the locals or visiting tourist know this, so it is totally unused.They push smaller government heavily but as you see reading through their site they call over and over for congress appointing a committee to do this and congress appointing a committee to do that, it seems smaller government is not such a priority when it comes to themselves.They call for raising entrance fees for the public to use their own parks. These are not private property or private enterprises parks, these are the peoples parks and in the case of Yellowstone you are already paying 25 dallors to enter your own park? I don't think most people mind a small fee but that is ridicules and the heritage ftdnuaoion wants to raise it even further.The Park Service tried contracting out camp ground maintenance several years ago to private enterprise and it was a complete failure. The private companies hired people for as little as they could pay them, had them driving long distances to remote locations and wondered why people were discouraged. The camp grounds were covered with litter, trash wasn't being removed, camping spaces were left a mess and in the end maintenance was turned back over to Park Service. Why would they think it would be any different this time. Private enterprises = Maximum profit at minimum cost i.e. low wages, part time employment = low moral, unmotivated workers = sloppy work."Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Albert Einstein, This quote seems to fit the bill for what the Heritage ftdnuaoion is calling for.The Heritage ftdnuaoion seems to be nothing more than another Tax Exempt secretive private enterprise that has it's fangs dug deep into the taxpayers back while at the same time demanding that taxpayers do with less in other areas so they themselves can be feed.

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